vintage style wedding apparels back Tulle Overlay 1950s

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Sell acc :
1. WI 193, Male, hn 20 100%, Pro, Pet Perry lv 11 ( 1dmg, 1rate, 1amp, 1rsr ... ), K-red, ring Tyrant + Killan, ROL+2 (ab), Arionel, IGN : Demolish vintage style wedding apparels back Tulle Overlay 1950s
Rune : Def rate, Att rate, STR, Dmg, Magic att, HP, Exp, Max Crit, Magic amp, Def, Hp Steal, Damge Reduction, Party Exp, Hp perhit ( all max )
Int, Dex lv.7
Chaos + 9 ( account bind ), Laws + 8 ( account bind )
Blend rune : Force Dance I, Trauma I, Sensibility I
Item charbind :
+ Orb Topaz 36dmg + 11, Sig 20dmg/8rate + 9
+ Helm Aramid Martialhem 40/7 + 7, Suit + Shoes Archium 7amp 2slot empty + 7; + 8, Hands Palla 7amp 1slot empy + 7
Avt Suit of Rin of Guard ( + 70 Evasion ) 3slot fail, 2 avt Cuti of Santa 3slot fail, empty
Some DE+ 3 4 5, 1ea DE+6 ( Def Earing ) ... items event, avt weapon Gs Plastium, Hat wedding
2. FA 197, Female, hn 20, Cap, IGN : TrickSongSok
Killian’s , A Tyrant’s, Orphidia 3 Max rate, Arionell.
Full runes( No Pen , Accu ), Blendend Rune : Force Dance I, Defenseless I, Cure I, Sensibility 2
+ Orb Archi 38% DMG + 16 divine 3 charbin
+ Cry Pala 28dmg + 11 charbind
+ Arch Headgear 9% rate 20% DMG + 7
+ SIG Glove 14% Amp + 9
+ Os Boots 15% Amp + 9, Pla Boots Max HP per hit + 40 7% MAmp
Siena's Bracelet 10%Amp 50 Accu, 23%DMG 50 Accu
Basic Craft 7k ( open maps, chaos core)
3. FA 195, Female, hn 14 (59%), ring Tyrant + Killan, IGN : Tram
Rune : Def rate, Att rate, Int, Dmg, Magic att, HP, Max Crit, Magic amp, Def, Hp Steal, Damge Reduction, Mp Steal, Hp per hit ( all max )
Dex lv.9, Str lv.6, Mp lv.12, Ophia’s Amulet 3max 8dmg 1amp, Basic 6k, 549 AP
- Helm Sd.titan 7/30 +17 (account bind)
- Gloves Teragrace 7amp 2max + 11 (char bind)
- Avatar Korean Gale Dress 4rate 4dmg
- Chaos, Laws + 10, rw3 5rate/20dmg/8amp+15 90days (Laws and RW3 on inventorry cash, Chaos recived on character)
- 8ea super core Med + 10ea super core Low, 8ea super 2s, 8ea Enchan 2s and items event ( 11ea Divine convert Amor and 11ea Weapon ) (account bind)
items :
+ Coat SIG FA, FB craftman 7amp 100Hp 2slot empty
+ Boot Os FA 15amp 1slot + 15 divine 6/15
+ Orb Pala 20cd/8amp + 16 divine 3/15
Who wtb pm, inbox me or mail IGN : TrickSongSok
thanks 4read !